What is the share code of Despec Bilgisayar AŞ in Borsa Istanbul?


When was Despec Bilgisayar AŞ founded?

It was established in May 1998.

When did Despec Bilgisayar AŞ go public?

It was publicly offered on December 08th, 2010.

What is the latest shareholding structure of Despec Bilgisayar AŞ?

Please click to access the Shareholding Structure.

Where can be found the financial information about Despec Bilgisayar AŞ?

Please click to access financial information.

What is the dividend policy of Despec Bilgisayar AŞ?

The dividend policy of Despec Bilgisayar AŞ is to give cash or bonus shares, or to give a certain amount of cash, at a certain rate, not less than the minimum rates stipulated by the Capital Markets legislation, excluding special circumstances required by extraordinary developments in economic conditions in line with long-term growth and strategies, investment and fund requirements, profitability status and expectations of the partners.

In which sector does Despec Bilgisayar AŞ operate?

Despec Bilgisayar AŞ operates in the IT sector.

Who can shareholders call with questions?
Onur Kara
Investor Relations
What are the subsidiaries, percentage of ownership and capital of the company?

The company does not have any affiliate companies.